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Dealing with Errors

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If a piece has a questionable scan, it’s possible to report an error to us. This will upload the previous scan’s data to our cloud (including your calibration) where we can investigate what may have happened. Such cases can also be added to our regressions to better ensure accuracy in future versions. When using this reporting tool, we ask you to measure the cargo by an alternative method and then provide us with the measured: Length, Width, and Height (using the unit of measurement that your Cargo Spectre is set to).


Request report an error at a machine that has recently with local IP address set to port 7100.



Desired response format:

Accept: application/xml (DEFAULT)


<ReportError code="0"/>


This returns the last status code set by the Cargo Spectre server, whether error or success.


Receive last status code of machine with local IP address set to port 7100.




Desired response format:

Accept: application/xml (DEFAULT)


<GetErrorStatus code="0"/>

Errors on API Commands​

The "code" parameter on each API responses signifies whether the command executed successfully or not. It is present on each and every command that was sent, even if they are combined into one request.


<Ping code="0"/>
<Dimension code="DIM_NO_OBJECT" description="No object detected when scanning."/>

Successful commands show a code of "0". If an error occurs, it will typically include a code that is not "0" and a description with a human-readable message.

Below are potential error codes and what they signify.

List of Error Codes​

This list contains all user-facing error codes that can be returned by the Cargo Spectre API for a device on software version 3.6.

Error CodeDescriptionFix
LIC_DECRYPTION_ERRORThe licensing server was unable to verify that the credentials were not modified in transit.This is an uncommon error. Please contact Cargo Spectre support to investigate.
LIC_LOGIN_FAILUREThe licensing server rejected the login credentials.Check that the username and password are correct.
LIC_NETWORK_ERRORCouldn't connect to licensing server over the network.Check that the device is connected to the internet and that the connection is not being blocked by a firewall setting.
LIC_NO_AVAILABLE_LICENSESAll licenses have been checked out.Contact your Cargo Spectre sales representative to purchase more licenses.
LIC_VERSION_OUT_OF_DATEThe device's software is out of date.Run spectre-update to update the device's software to the latest version.
LIC_UNKNOWN_ERRORGeneral issue with license checkout.This indicates trouble connecting to the licensing server. Follow the steps for LIC_NETWORK_ERROR. If it persists, contact Cargo Spectre support.
CAL_FILE_NOT_FOUNDIssue reading files from calibration.The previous calibration file may have been moved or deleted. Re-running calibration will fix this.
CAL_FLOOR_NOT_FOUNDCouldn't find the floor during calibration.Make sure the floor is visible to all cameras and retry calibration.
CAL_REFS_NOT_FOUNDCouldn't find calibration objects.Rearrange the calibration objects so that they are visible to all cameras and retry calibration.
CAL_GENERALUnknown calibration phase detected.This is an uncommon error. Please contact Cargo Spectre support to investigate.
DIM_NULLNot enough sensors connected for the specified mode.Make sure all sensors are connected. It is also possible that someone accidentally changed the scanning mode to one that requires additional sensors.
DIM_UNCALIBRATEDDevice is not calibrated - cannot scan.Complete the calibration process before attempting to scan again.
DIM_CLIPPED_POINTSObject is partially out of view when scanning.Move the object to the center of the dimensioner and scan again. If the object is already in the center, it may be bigger than the maxium certified volume and may need to be dimensioned manually instead.
DIM_NO_OBJECTNo object detected when scanning.Place an object on the scale and try dimensioning again.
DIM_NO_CAMSIssue with getting data from cameras when calibrating.Check if any cameras are disconnected.
API_UNKNOWNAPI command was not recognized.Check if there is a typo in the command. If not, contact Cargo Spectre support.
API_BAD_PARAMETERError parsing an API parameter or its input.Check if there is a typo in the command. If not, contact Cargo Spectre support.
WU_FAILEDDeals with failures to upload to the Cloud.Check that the device has a reliable internet connection and try again.
WU_NOT_INITIATEDUpload to the Cloud failed because the data was already uploaded previously.This scan may already be in the Cloud. If that is not the case, check if the setting for "upload when saving" is enabled.
GENERALOther unknown errors are handled here.This is a very uncommon error. Contact Cargo Spectre support if you encounter it.